Friday, April 22, 2011

So Many Good Words

As we move through Holy Week, I keep finding God speaking to me through the written word, both scripture and in the liturgy. I wanted to write a post for each one, like the scripture reading about St. Paul talking about how the cross was foolishness to those who do not believe. But, today (Good Friday) I was asked to pray for people. The words of the prayer immediately brought to mind militant atheists. I was asked to pray for those who have lost their faith, who have let sin make them indifferent to Christ, who actively oppose Christ by word or deed, who are enemies of the cross of Christ, and who persecute His disciples. There were of course other prayers. But, this is what jumped out at me. I was praying for atheists here, militant atheists. Jesus said to pray for your enemies. So, I thought this was great. God willing, their hearts will be turned.

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