Tuesday, January 25, 2011


One of the great minds of the enlightenment, Voltaire, said that he was willing to die for freedom of speech. Maybe it's easier to cry out for freedom when you're in the minority. Why is it that in a modern liberal (I'm disliking this word more with each passing day) western society, that puts civil rights and liberty on a pedestal, am I breaking every rule when I talk about my faith? In a society that we're told values freedom of thought and expression, why can't I express what I'm thinking? There's a war coming. The opening salvos have already been fired. Most Christians don't see this. Unfortunately for us, war is a come as you are party. When the secular left make their blitzkrieg, we will be crushed. The Nazi atheist’s panzers will engage the polish horse Calvary of organized religion on the battlefield. When the firemen with their kerosine hoses come to your house to burn your Bibles and when the mention of Jesus in the home brings the CAS to interview your children, don't cry to me. Sound far fetched? Some very intelligent and influential people (who are atheists) are pushing the idea that religious instruction to children is child abuse. I guess freedom of speech is only granted to those who agree with the militant atheists.

Peter Hitchens' Book

This is what I had to say about Peter Hitchen's book after reading it:

This is the best book I've ever read. It is at least the most relevant to the times. It's frightening. Peter Hitchens has scattered ashes on the floor of the temple of the militant atheists and shown the hidden actions of its priests. I... have known in my heart that the bogeyman existed. However, it is unnerving when somebody says, “Here is a photograph of him.”, and worse still when he continues, “And, there is you in the background of the photograph sleeping soundly.” Every Christian in the Western world needs to read this book.


Another subject Peter Hitchens talks about in his book is the decay of society. There was another story in the same Toronto paper about a study that shows the children of families where the parents stay together tend to have fewer problems in life. All I could think was, "Der?" How far we've fallen....


This subject has popped up a few times in the last several weeks, in Peter Hitchens book and in a Toronto paper about a doctor in the USA that was killing babies with scissors. I've always taken the position, perceived as fence sitting, that a woman should have the right to choose and that it was also wrong. A sort of, everyone has the right to condemn themselves to hell, kind of view. I was thinking about somebody saying how pigs are a stupid animal because they eat their young. And, I thought, "Yes, and our species murders our young in the womb by the hundreds of millions."

Waxes and Wanes

I find that one's faith waxes and wanes, while (hopefully) continually growing. I'm in another waning period, a dry spell. I even find it hard to pray. Some would say that the LORD is testing me. Some would say that I am being punished. Some would say that I was never truly Christian. Some say that my sin is separating me from God. However, what ever the truth, I think we all go through this. I guess we get through it by fighting the good fight with all our might....

Gay Okay

SSB or SSM is a subject I've avoided on here for a long time. It's an issue that has been ripping the Anglican Church in two for quite some time now. This dilemma, this crisis, would be so much easier if I didn't believe in God.