Monday, September 6, 2010

Secret Net

William Ramier wrote
at 10:55pm yesterday
So I was reading the 31st Psalm tonight, and one phrase meant something to me today: "Take me out of the net that they have secretly set for me, for you are my tower of strength." Psalms 31:4 (BAS) Why was the net set in secret? Well, if I had seen it, perhaps I would have avoided it; I'd like to think I would have. If it is set in secret, then I could be tricked into walking into it, deceived. The net of course is sin. How many times have we said somethink like, "It's not really all that bad"? Well, if it's wrong I guess it's wrong. But if the enemy can trick us into thinking that it is okay, then we have walked into the net set in secret.

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