Thursday, September 19, 2024


I had a strange dream.  I was a soldier of some kind in a post apocalyptic world where there was a plague of some sort affecting the mind.

I was deployed as some sort of patrol team.  I found the carbine too hard to use for some reason, so I relied on my pistol. It looked like a 1911, but the rounds looked like rifle cartridges for some reason.  And, in my dream, I insisted on loading them into the firing chamber through the ejection port (like a rifle) one at a time for some reason.  I was a crack shot with the pistol, apparently, according to their stats.

My team went out, but we quickly got separated (and maybe they were killed?).  I ended up just being part of a two person team, me and a young woman.  I don't remember her face now, but she had her hair tied back tight in a bun and was attractive.

At one point, we found a sick man that scared civilians had locked in a diner's dining room.  He was vomiting all over, and they were afraid to go near him.  I went in to the diner to rescue him.

We continued on our patrol.  We had neutralized several diseased targets during the dream.  At some point, I got separated from the young woman.

Shortly after, I became aware that I was having crazy thoughts.  But, I was with it enough to understand that I must have been infected.

I noticed a team was taking position to neutralize me.  But, they were going to send in the young woman first.  I didn't feel like I could trust them.  But, I knew that I was comprised. I decided to dump my pistol mag (my gut said no), and if that meant that I died to save her from me, so be it.

To my surprise, she didn't try to negotiate, but put her sidearm to her own head.  I rushed forward to stop her, but it was a ruse, and they captured me.  Once I was, I was re-educated--presumably after I got better--in an Orwellian education centre, and redeployed.  I met the young woman again, but I secretly remembered everything.

She had a different name!  And, I realized that she had been re-educated too!  I thought she was gone.  Then, she turned to me and said, "I did it for you, you know?"

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