Tuesday, July 23, 2024

I bought the Feminist lie too.

It's happened before.  Like the time I asked why Mennonite pacifists owned guns, I messed up.  We can buy into the myth.  We cede ground to our opposition in an argument when we do not contest a false premise presented as fact and attack the conclusion, the intellectual meat in the bear trap; I'm pretty sure it's a logical fallacy and often presented as an inferred premise.  The answer--of course--is that firearms are not weapons.  They're tools.

Anyway, I digress here.  So, I did it again.  For so long, I've been told that the patriarchy had ruled, and in the Church too, where 2000 years ago they brought the woman to stone for the sin adultery before Jesus in the Gospel.  The inferred premise here is that the law was sexist and how dare they not bring the man.  Religion, therefore, is male centrist.  Well, if you look up Lev. Ch. 20 verse 10, you'll see that the law *is not* sexist.  The religious leaders were sinning by breaking the law.  Well, well, well.

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