Sunday, May 26, 2024


 Twice, reciently, I've read in the Gospel of Luke that we should torment God for what we want.  There is the parable of the friend whose children are sleeping and the old woman and the judge.  Strange...


 Reading in Deuteronomy today, it says that you may not leave a body hanging on a pole overnight; it brings the curse of God.  🤔  Strange, then, that the Jewish authorities asked the Romans to break Jesus' legs. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024


 I am the fig tree from Luke Ch 13 that has been left for another year to see if it will produce good fruit.

Deuteronomy 8:14

 We, as a society, have become proud and have forgotten God.

Wild Animals

 It's strange in Deuteronomy that God didn't want them to destroy all the peoples at once, lest it be inhabited by wild animals.  Strange, because we see this in depopulated areas of failing cities today.


People are so easy to manipulate.  Put all natural ingredients or natural on something, and people will buy it.  I mean, crude oil and uranium are natural.

I heard somebody say this weekend that artificial cheese and plastic are only one molecule apart!  Yes, and oxygen is only one hydrogen molecule away from drowning you!  I've heard the same arguement about Dunny D and rope die.  Who has an axe to grind?

Why have people lost the ability to think?  A full half of American students are below the national math scores average!  Something must be done!  Oh, and 100% of people who eat potatoes will die.  It's true.

P.S.  Stay away from the cheese

Friday, May 17, 2024


I had a dream that I was performing an exorcism on Sam Shamoun.  It's crazy, like he needs one.  In my dream, I remember touching him with my prayer beads with the San Damiano Cross, and the demon would howl out in pain. I touched him with my Disciple's Cross, and the demon would howl out.

You know, I almost e-mailed him once.  He has a gift for apologetics.  I almost e-mailed him.  He has a gift.  I was going to say something like, "you have an amazing memory and a vast knowledge of scripture that you are able use to argue effectively with; but, you are a little crass and disrespectful to the people that you argue with."  Before I sent it, I read his blurb about contacting him with criticism regarding the way he talked to people.  He would have banned me and blocked me for sending him that message.  Sometimes, he's hard to listen to.  ...not because of the content, but because of the way he talks to people.  He just does not care.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

Some days you're the windshield. Some days you're the bug.

 Even my watch told me that I had a high stress day.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

To Those For Whom The Church is But the People

I have often quoted St. John saying that the fire burned in Jesus heart for the Temple.  It is echoing a Psalm.

But, from my perspective, if the Chirch is God's house, the site, then it has always welcomed me.  The people have not.

O that I were a good person

Last night's reading said that the prayers of good people are very powerful. 

Low Times

The NDD hit hard today.  Despair and melancholy gripped me for much of the day.  Thank God for God.  That's all I have to say.