Saturday, October 28, 2023


I've became aware of a disturbing trend on (woke?) YouTube, the censorship of the word suicide.  Are we not allowed to talk about it anymore?

In the current climate, there is sentiment to support legal assistance in dying, which opens up the arguement about protecting the elderly, disabled, and the mentally ill; but, that I won't argue here.  Just be aware that the movement exists and already has supportive legislation. 

The current climate also has a well intentioned pro-mental health awareness campaign to snuff out the use of the phrase committed suicide and also the phrase attempted suicide.  The thought process is that, with the latter, a failed attempt barb aimed at a depressed person that they can't even get that right is not helpful.  With the former phrase, maybe it is to remove the negative connotation from the deceased's memory (not sure).

My views on the above and on ending of one's own life is as follows.  Religious arguement aside, because I have strong views here too, it is so wrong; it's the most selfish evil thing a person can do.  Nothing is worse, certainty.  The person doesn't just hurt themselves.  They are causing loved ones to live with that pain, crippling guilt in some cases, and the heart wrenching breath taking choking grief of the finality of the loss of that person's love, presence in their life, and touch.  They are--my view--murdering the loved one of a social and family group.  And, that is wrong.  The it's my life anyway mentality is so very self-centered. 

Furthermore, this is being normalized and endeared to us now.  Aside from putting people with poor mental health and the disabled at risk, it makes it easier to take one's life, promotes it.  It removes the social barriers that make it more difficult and makes it a good thing.  My thoughts...

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Please don't censor me; I am trying to be honest and it is not my intention to offend anybody. If I have offended you personally, I ask you to accept my apologizes, forgive me, and consider not visiting my blog for my benefit.