Sunday, August 27, 2023


There is a difference between saying, "excuse me Miss, give me your coldest most satisfying drink," to the barista, and, "give me your most satisfying cold drink."  And, it floors me how many people don't understand the difference.

Similarly, if I say that a lot of people cheat on their taxes, many people don't understand that I'm not saying that most people do.  It's crazy.

Nobody seems to think about what they say anymore; yes, I realize that I used an absolute there.  Oh, the irony.  Are we lazy, too lazy to think?

We can't seem to reason.  We can't follow.

Remember, all dogs are not beagles, yet all beagles are dogs.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Another Milestone, Rite of Passages

So, my wife said to me that I should dye my beard, too much gray.

Psalm 74

I read this psalm several nights ago.  My first thought was about how hard it must have been for the ancient Israelites to witness the destruction of the sacred.  The holy temple being destroyed must have made them feel helpless, depressed, and without reason to hope. 

Later, when it mentions Leviathan being killed and given in the desert for food, was this fed to them for meat?  Was this the Israelites food?  I remember hearing once that it rained lung tissue in America, and nobody knew why.  

Then, it mentions a dragon?  Wait, have I read this psalm before?

Sunday, August 6, 2023