Sunday, April 2, 2023

Wage Gap

I agree with Pearl, in so far as the Wage Gap being due in part to men and women working different jobs, different hours, and the number of years of service in a job.  Cindy makes less than I do because she choose to work in retail.  Chandra makes more than I do because she has a better education.  And, Raymond should have to pay back Tracy for arrears in child support even though she makes over 100 thousand dollars a year and he makes minimum wage at a part time job and even though she is deemed extremely privileged (privilege--an artificial construct--should not factor in).  And, your genitals shouldn't factor into your compensation. I agree with Beryl that we need to stop focusing on intersectionality like who is Native and who is Black and we should just focus on people.  I share a dream, that one day, we will judge people by the content of their character and not the colour of their skin.  I'll add, nor what is between their legs.

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