Tuesday, August 23, 2022

The Road to Hell...

Thinking of all the times that fear of racism, or active political correctness has been harmful, I've counted numerous instances personally.  Speaking as somebody who has put their dreams on hold due to hiring quotas, I can honestly say that I prefer equality to leftist's equity. Treating people differently, no matter how you justify--how virtuous--it, is wrong and creates resentment and inequity.  It didn't work in South Africa or Nazi Germany, and it won't work here.

Here are some examples of when I have personally observed being overly fearfully vigilant doing more harm:

• Out for a run, I would cross the street if a White person was on the same side so that they weren't exposed--potentially--to COVID.  If they were Black or a Person of Colour, I would refrain from crossing so as to not expose them to Inherent Bias.  I didn't want them to perceive racism.
• At Wrigley Stadium, when I didn't report the Algerian man who left the unattended bag to security because I didn't want to fall victim to racist prejudicial stereotypical thinking.  I asked myself that day, "Do I want to die today because I don't want to be racist?"
• On a walk around the river, greeting every Person of Colour so as to not make them feel I am being racist (ignoring them) while leaving White people walk undisturbed, while not harmful in this instance, it is treating people differently and it is wrong.

Is it as simple as we're over thinking it?  Why can't we just treat everyone the same?

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