Monday, August 1, 2022

Lost A Step

My wife pointed out that my hand was shaking at breakfast.  I said that, "it's been shaking for years.  I just hide it."  

47 is the year I got old.  I've become aware of a noticeable decline in my short range vision.  I can't read my phone text without great difficulty a foot from my face.  I limp, almost perpetually from jogging.  I don't heal like I once did.  If I play a game of ball, I used to be sore the next day.  Now, I'm recovering for a week.

This year, I have an injury that won't heal from softball last Summer.  After I run, I limp.  I have noticed a loss of muscle mass in my quads.  I'm always tired.  I go to bed at 9 p.m.  I'm tired!  My vision is starting to suck.  I ache all over from working out.  It wakes me at night.  I get up two and three times a night to pee.

I haven't noticed a loss of reflexes, but that doesn't mean it hasn't happened.  Actually, I fear reflexive action, as a sudden violent vigorous exertion of energy could leave my back/shoulders/hips and legs in pain for hours.

And, I'm planning on fighting it every step of the way.  I am not giving up.

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