Friday, March 4, 2022


The bad thing about equity--and, I'll neutralize equivocation here, as the Post Modernists and Neo-Marxists define it as the justifiable unequal treatment of individuals based on group status--over equality is that, it hearkens back to a time of unequal treatment of individuals under the law.  Or, as George Orwell puts it so well that, all animals are equal but some animals are more equal that others.  This, by virtue of the conscious deliberate inequality in the left's policy, causes animosity and resentment.  It's also philosophically wrong and unethical, as we should have equality of opportunity in a free and democratic society.  Do we really want to return to a society where some individuals are sub-citizens while others are citizens who have special treatment under the law?  #PostModernism #NeoMarxism #Tribalism #SocialEngineering #Politics

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