Monday, March 14, 2022


Last week, I went to the eye doctor.  It was the first visit in years.  He said that my long range vision--a source of pride--was at 20/15, an improvement(?) over the 20/16 the optician told me that I had decades ago.

After complaining that I have trouble focusing on books and text at times, he said that I might want to pick up some cheap reading glasses at Canadian Tire, 1.5x.  Boo!  Boo!

He also said, and showed me, that the jelly in my eye balls is contracting--natural with aging--and is pulling away from the back of my eye (photo receptors?) at the extremities.  I could have done without the explanation; a simple, "your eyes will get worse with age," would suffice; I don't need to learn about eye jelly and pulling away.  Ignorance is bliss I guess.  

I assume that all of my body is breaking down.  I can feel it in my right Achilles Tendon, which I must have injured last Summer.  Cartlidge and tendons and the like, they must all be shrinking and becoming less elastic etc...

I remember an older Team Member of mine telling me that he couldn't read the gauges on his car's dashboard. So, I always check that I can.  Sharp so far, I can focus that close.  I will fight aging every step of the way, like the bitter enemy that it is.

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