Thursday, March 31, 2022


It was an Enlightenment thinker (I believe) who said that the ideal town size was 7000 people (although I have looked for it, I can't find the reference).  I wish I could.  If you find it, please let me know.

Regardless, I believe that we are suffering the effects of overpopulation and it's symptoms (including entitlement).  I think we were better off when we were an agrarian society.  Absent were mass poverty, socialism, collectivism, overreaching government, and dependency.  It may have been the height of our civilization.  Were we ever more free?

I am reminded of what Jefferson said when he said that when we are falling over another like they are in the cities of Europe, then we will be as corrupt as they are.

Front Seat

I was watching The Waltons at the folks.  There was a scene in Empty Nest Part I where the girls drive away with the baby in the front seat.  

I thought, "how simple they were back then, no idea how dangerous it was for the baby on their lap with no seatbelt."

I was able to do that without condemning them, attacking their character, pulling down their statues, or judging them by my standards of right and wrong.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Last Night

I dreamt that I was in the house.  Every room had bunk beds in it.  I turned to Cindy and said, "Oh shit; I'm asleep," realizing that every room shouldn't be a bedroom.  I decided to start screaming until I awoke.  I bellowed.  I was awoken by Cindy beside me asking me if I was alright. I lied and said that I was, as I returned to the land of Morpheus. 

I still can't believe it.

I wished Dad a Happy Thanksgiving.  He returned it.  That was October 10th.  Nine days later he would be dead.  


Last week, I went to the eye doctor.  It was the first visit in years.  He said that my long range vision--a source of pride--was at 20/15, an improvement(?) over the 20/16 the optician told me that I had decades ago.

After complaining that I have trouble focusing on books and text at times, he said that I might want to pick up some cheap reading glasses at Canadian Tire, 1.5x.  Boo!  Boo!

He also said, and showed me, that the jelly in my eye balls is contracting--natural with aging--and is pulling away from the back of my eye (photo receptors?) at the extremities.  I could have done without the explanation; a simple, "your eyes will get worse with age," would suffice; I don't need to learn about eye jelly and pulling away.  Ignorance is bliss I guess.  

I assume that all of my body is breaking down.  I can feel it in my right Achilles Tendon, which I must have injured last Summer.  Cartlidge and tendons and the like, they must all be shrinking and becoming less elastic etc...

I remember an older Team Member of mine telling me that he couldn't read the gauges on his car's dashboard. So, I always check that I can.  Sharp so far, I can focus that close.  I will fight aging every step of the way, like the bitter enemy that it is.

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Forever Harm

Being on the receiving end several times in life, I can honestly say that this hurts more than most things do, the deepest of betrayals.  Observation has led me to believe that it is self-destructive behavior for the perpetrator as well.  Which confuses me, why does it happen?  Scorpion and the frog, can they help themselves.  The act (brief and fleeting) has far reaching and unseen consequences that transcend forgiveness, emotional heartbreak, and actually manifest physical and mental outcomes.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Psalm 102

Chanting on Ash Wednesday, I'm reminded of Dad, my own aging, and death.


We need (must) to #DefundTheUnitedNations.  It has surpassed it's original scope of succeeding where the League of Nations failed in preventing war, which it failed at in the #ukraine anyway, and has become a vehicle for #NeoMarxism. People should be alarmed (terrified) by #Agenda21 and #Agenda2030.  The UN needs to be disbanded.  We don't want one world government; the centralization of power is bad.  Look at history.


King Leo

Ask not for whom the bolt cocks...


It's Nazi this and Hitler that.  I'd like one leftist to tell me what was actually so bad about the Nazis.  What made them bad?  Shouldn't we be burning books?  Shouldn't we be stopping speech against the state?  Shouldn't we be closing down the parliament and letting the cabinet govern how they see fit?  Shouldn't we stop assembly and association?   #CanPoli #TruckConvoy #COVID19 #liberty #totalitarianism


The bad thing about equity--and, I'll neutralize equivocation here, as the Post Modernists and Neo-Marxists define it as the justifiable unequal treatment of individuals based on group status--over equality is that, it hearkens back to a time of unequal treatment of individuals under the law.  Or, as George Orwell puts it so well that, all animals are equal but some animals are more equal that others.  This, by virtue of the conscious deliberate inequality in the left's policy, causes animosity and resentment.  It's also philosophically wrong and unethical, as we should have equality of opportunity in a free and democratic society.  Do we really want to return to a society where some individuals are sub-citizens while others are citizens who have special treatment under the law?  #PostModernism #NeoMarxism #Tribalism #SocialEngineering #Politics


I am very angry over what happened in Ottawa this weekend.  A peaceful protest--the model of what a protest should be--was oppressed by a government using force (in a country granting the right to peaceful assembly and freedom of expression as the highest law) to suppress political opposition.    And, when I see people on social media praising the government, it makes me raging.  This Freedom Convoy wasn't just fighting for truckers; it was fighting--representing--for all Canadians, for our right to choose what we put into our own bodies, for freedom, to move, to think, to speak.  Do these people not see that this is a civil liberties issue?    We have set a terrible precedent.  In a world in which, merely 500 years ago, men--women were not even people--were not allowed to own property in feudal states where kings ruled with absolute Divine Right, were not allowed to speak their mind or challenge their government with out fear of punitive action and death, were not able to worship as they chose, we have made tremendous progress through heartbreaking sacrifice; why do people this week rejoice in regressing?    From the Magna Carta through to the Age of Enlightenment and on, great thinkers penned--what I thought were--immortal ideas whose spirits could not be snuffed out; ideas can never die, right?  A spark that starts a fire that can not by quenched by any tyrant?  Except...maybe the people can choose to put it out?    The ignorance of people who don't see the greater implication, of the precedent of the actions of the government this weekend as we move more and more into a 1984 style Orwellian state, anger me.  I ask myself, "When the free liberty loving people loose faith in their institutions, what recourse is left to them?"      "Never in our time," we tell ourselves.  The Europeans of the 1930s thought that too.  After all, Germany was a modern industrialized educated democratic society.  They were naive too.  A piece of paper--The Charter of Rights and Freedoms--is just paper.      I am reminded of the words of Patrick Henry, that the freedom of the people is a precious jewel that must be suspiciously guarded against anybody that should approach it.  I think too of the words of many other great thinkers.  I think of John Stuart Mill saying that a man with nothing he values above his own security is despicable, and how we say that our WWII soldiers died for freedom, something we lie to ourselves about, as by de-facto we claim freedom more valuable than life.  I think too of the words of Thomas Jefferson as he says that we should be free to live unmolested by our government so long as we don't ourselves infringe on the liberty of our fellow citizen.  I think too of Frederick Douglass saying that a government or state that controls all aspects of people's lives and livelihood is the slavery of all to all.  I yearn for the masses to take up the tenets of Thomas Sowell, my favourite contemporary philosopher.    I believe that the institutions' main role is to safe guard the liberty of the citizen.  I am not anti-establishment.  Far from being an anarchist, I believe the institutions need to exist to serve the people.  The law must always be on the side of the citizen against the government; the government, after all, is not only stronger and in a position to abuse, it is not a living being.    Why have we become so ignorant?  Why have we forgotten the lessons of history?    I have lost a lot of respect for Peace Officers, as they willingly complied--"just following orders"--with orders to, by force, oppressively and through violent means suppress free expression.  Becoming the tool of a tyrannical regime, they abandoned their moral compasses and became the shock troops of a new tyranny.    A am so angry, so filled with rage.  I'm disenchanted, and have lost a lot of faith in the establishment.  These were not people burning down businesses, throwing rocks through windows and burning police cars, although in the back of my mind a small part of me wonders if that may be necessary and coming.  These were peaceful people criticizing their state, which is their right!  Their fucking right!

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

The Eyes Have It

I have an eye doctor appointment next week.  I've noticed that it's harder to focus and sometimes things up close or far away are a little blurry.  I'm reminded once again of Ecleastices Ch12.