Monday, January 31, 2022

Free World

Here's a rough draft of the new song that Neil should be singing:    Keep on Blocking Stop a Free World    I see a scared young man,  And he knows what's right,  Gonna speak out if he can,  He know's he'll have to fight,  Deplatforming is our plan,  Because our might makes right,  Don't feel like Satan, but I serve him now.    Person of colour on the right,  We say trator to your kind,  Reading Frederick Douglass all night,  To share what knowledge they may find,  Uncle Tom's gonna have a fight,  Free thought puts us too far behind,  We've got a kinder gentler oppression now,  Cancel Culture will take his job.    Woman 'bout Enlightenment,  Fightin' for open dialogue,  Freedom's what the writers meant,  We call her a female dog,  "She's too stupid," we will vent,  Demonize the ideologue,  We can't allow her with intent,  To guide the masses through our fog,   There's one more girl that will never sit in office,   Never get to speak her voice, never get to be free.    #liberty #freedom #constitution #enlightenment #Covid19

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