Monday, January 31, 2022

We need to talk, not censor.

The more I reflect on this--as I believe we have to learn to have hard discussions with respect vs. censorship to avoid offending--wisdom from Dr. King, the more it resonates with me.  It's brilliant and contains multiple layers of meaning.  It's timeless.      We need to focus on what brings us together.  We need to communicate.  #philosophy #tribalism #postmodernism #neomarxism #hate

Free World

Here's a rough draft of the new song that Neil should be singing:    Keep on Blocking Stop a Free World    I see a scared young man,  And he knows what's right,  Gonna speak out if he can,  He know's he'll have to fight,  Deplatforming is our plan,  Because our might makes right,  Don't feel like Satan, but I serve him now.    Person of colour on the right,  We say trator to your kind,  Reading Frederick Douglass all night,  To share what knowledge they may find,  Uncle Tom's gonna have a fight,  Free thought puts us too far behind,  We've got a kinder gentler oppression now,  Cancel Culture will take his job.    Woman 'bout Enlightenment,  Fightin' for open dialogue,  Freedom's what the writers meant,  We call her a female dog,  "She's too stupid," we will vent,  Demonize the ideologue,  We can't allow her with intent,  To guide the masses through our fog,   There's one more girl that will never sit in office,   Never get to speak her voice, never get to be free.    #liberty #freedom #constitution #enlightenment #Covid19

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Is it now a flu?

This is how we justify a power grab by the elite.  This is why we place people under house arrest and suspend them without pay.  This is why we infringe on individual liberties. 


Sunday, January 9, 2022

Terror In The Air

This situation is literally my reaction.  I spend my time in the air in regulating my breathing, in meditation, and in prayer.  My family--when they aren't oblivious to my distress (they DO know that I fear flying)--trivialize my terror with helpful statements like, "Everybody is afraid of flying.  You just have to go ahead and do it.  It gets easier."  They refuse to drive long distances, and insist on flying to our pre-COVID destinations.  I cannot begin to put into words the paralyzing terror that I experience, and I--realistically--expect my heart to stop from the sheer stress on my body from the fear.  The turbulence destroys any remaining self control, as I can hardly think at that point.  It takes everything I have in me to not lose control, and I fear an all out panic attack at some point will grip me.

One pre-flight conversation went like this, "Can we get you anything Sir?"


"Sir, we will serve alcohol once the plane is in the air."

Saturday, January 8, 2022

Ecleastices 12

I have noticed my sight deteriorating.  Specifically, lately I've had trouble focussing on things up close.  I've had floaters for years.  But, this is new.  Trouble focussing, refocusing, trouble seeing good in low light, I am no cat.

Monday, January 3, 2022

Envy And The Gospel Of Resentment

Cain resented Able's favour from God.  So, it's not new.  Able had more.

I was thinking of the parable from the Gospel according to St. Matthew where the workers in the field are angry that the parttimers got a full day's wages.  They, in effect, received twice as much pay.  And, I got thinking:  If I make my full wage, why should I hate Bill Gates?  

I assume it was wrong for the field workers to be angry.

Judge Not

I do judge people, not because of race or creed, not because of religion or nationality, nor sex nor sexual orientation.  I judge by how people answer questions like, should people be equal at the starting line or the finish line?  I do judge.  And, I judge harshly. 

The Greater Good Is Not A Rubber Stamp

There has to be something bigger than the end justifies the means.  A (wo)man has to have principles. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022


I was watching a behinds the scenes clip from The Chosen's Round Table sessions.  The rabbi there brought up a point that I hadn't thought about before. God works through us and doesn't fix everything Himself with the snap of His fingers because He wants us to fix what we have broken.  He wants us to repair the world.