Monday, December 13, 2021

Strange South American New Brunswick Greenhouse Dream

Last night, I drempt that I gave up and walked away.  I went to live in seclusion in South America (I think by the sea, by a bluff).  I was in a 6x8 foot greenhouse, where I was living out my days.  Cindy found me, and asked me to come home.  How she found me, I do not know.  She said that home was not in Bathurst New Brunswick.  The only thing that I asked was if Trump was re-elected in 2024.  She said that he lost the Republican nomination to Mitt Romney.  I don't know why that was such a pressing issue.  She told me that my credit card debt was not in default.  She didn't seem at all angry, oddly.  She just seemed grateful to have found me.  My mother and step-father were still alive, she said.  Impressive, as that would have made them almost 90; I had been gone for ten years.  Although, she had to tell me that.  I didn't know what month or even what year it was.  Strange...

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