Wednesday, December 1, 2021


I watched the good egg's ordination last night online.  It was live streamed from the cathedral.  It made me happy to see him ordained.  But...

You know how I say that the ACC has its left turn signal stuck on?  Wow.  I barely made it through the sermon.  It hit all the major leftist talking points.

It started out by talking about the ordination of women, as it was the anniversary date of that monumental event.  But, it smacked of Feminism.  It continued with environmentalism--or Gaia worship, as I call it--before touching on White Privilage, Patriarchal Oppression, Colonialism, and even referenced Socialism disguised as ministry to the poor.  And, the service opened with a Native land claim acknowledgement (which is destructive, perpetuating victimhood, dividing us along race lines, and scapegoating caucasians).I don't remember him mentioning God, although I'm sure he must have.

The high point for me came when, in sad irony, the speaker announced that more and more, we are realizing that the Church has been an institution of Empire.  No, it has been a conservative institution and now it's leftist and no better.  The irony, can you not see?  It is doing the same damn thing it has always done.  Christianity is supposed to be countercultural anyway.  But, the ACC has always been political. Sadly, that is the direction of government, to the left.  And, the ACC is right there with them again.

Where it was once "the Conservative Party at prayer," it is now the mouth piece for Neomarxism, Pluralism, Postmodernism, Gaia worship and Tribalism.  It is what C.S. Lewis described in the Screwtape Letters as using faith as a means to an end.

Dad used to say about the leftists United Church of Canada, "it's okay to be liberal.  But why does the United Church always have to lead the damn charge?"

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