Thursday, December 23, 2021

Smash It, Fix It

I once believed that no relationship could be repaired if it had reached the point of no return.  There was a place that you couldn’t come back from.  My lived experience has proven that I am only partly right.  I’ve since discovered that, if you break an expensive vase, you may be able to piece it back together with a good glue.  But, you’ll never have the same vase; you will always be able to see the break lines.  In some rare—very rare—cases, you may even be able to have a glue strong enough to make the break lines stronger than the rest of the vase.  I don’t know.  Time will tell…


Many of us think that robots will be doing all our labour in the near future.  Robots don’t get hurt, don’t take breaks, vacation, sick days, etc..  But, what if artificial intelligence decides that it wants to be treated equal?  I’m okay with that.  What if they form unions?  As long as they don’t implement Socialism, I’m okay.  …that and they don’t kill us all.


Monday, December 13, 2021


There’s so much death all around me.  It’s like the grim reaper is playing Russian roulette.

Burn Baby Burn

Sure, it’s your house that’s on fire, and so you claim that I can’t understand.  But, I take offence when you want my house to burn too.


Fear is good and very evil:


  • It protects the individual from danger
  • It enslaves the society

Use Your Illusion II

So often, I see a sad or upset young woman in the passenger side seat of a pimped out sports car.  They seem to chase after Jordan Peterson’s vampire, the same common dominator that gets the vampire the pimped out sports car.

Use Your Illusion I

When people see an old guy in a bright new sports car, they assume it’s mid-life crisis.  Rather, it’s probably took him this long to afford a new pony car.

Strange South American New Brunswick Greenhouse Dream

Last night, I drempt that I gave up and walked away.  I went to live in seclusion in South America (I think by the sea, by a bluff).  I was in a 6x8 foot greenhouse, where I was living out my days.  Cindy found me, and asked me to come home.  How she found me, I do not know.  She said that home was not in Bathurst New Brunswick.  The only thing that I asked was if Trump was re-elected in 2024.  She said that he lost the Republican nomination to Mitt Romney.  I don't know why that was such a pressing issue.  She told me that my credit card debt was not in default.  She didn't seem at all angry, oddly.  She just seemed grateful to have found me.  My mother and step-father were still alive, she said.  Impressive, as that would have made them almost 90; I had been gone for ten years.  Although, she had to tell me that.  I didn't know what month or even what year it was.  Strange...

Friday, December 10, 2021

I'm Surprised

I'm surprised that people are surprised that Facebook is harmful to girls.  I mean, it was started as a babe rating software system.  The hypocrisy of leftist social media (and other areas) knows no bounds.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

FW: My math may be out a bit, but the numbers don't lie.

I know it’s a contentious issue.  This made me think.  An anti-vaxe lamented on social media that people are choosing blood clots over flu symptoms.


From: Ramier, William
Sent: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 7:03 AM
Subject: FW: My math may be out a bit, but the numbers don't lie.


Here’s the COVID math:






Mortality Rate




Survival Rate




Recovered to Date




Recovery Ratio

41.75 to 1


26.38 to 1



FW: COVID-19 Mortality Rate

The US COVID mortality rate is currently 1.7344%!  Yes, it’s true that Delta is raging out of control, so are herpes.  It probably won’t kill you though.  Food for thought.

Have a great weekend.




From: Ramier, William
Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2021 12:56 PM
To: '' <>
Subject: COVID-19 Mortality Rate


If you take the 160 million people who have been infected and divide it into the 3.3 million people who have died from it, COVID-19 has a 2.1% mortality rate.



Mortality Rate

Survival Rate












FW: This is why I don't trust the government on COVID

Saturday, December 4, 2021

If anybody is looking for a last minute Christmas idea for me:

...and wins the lottery:

If you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart...

Dad used to be fond of reciting Romans 10:9 to anybody who argued about salvation.  This was the reading for St. Andrew's day that I found in the BCP this week:

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Religious Freedom's Fight


I watched the good egg's ordination last night online.  It was live streamed from the cathedral.  It made me happy to see him ordained.  But...

You know how I say that the ACC has its left turn signal stuck on?  Wow.  I barely made it through the sermon.  It hit all the major leftist talking points.

It started out by talking about the ordination of women, as it was the anniversary date of that monumental event.  But, it smacked of Feminism.  It continued with environmentalism--or Gaia worship, as I call it--before touching on White Privilage, Patriarchal Oppression, Colonialism, and even referenced Socialism disguised as ministry to the poor.  And, the service opened with a Native land claim acknowledgement (which is destructive, perpetuating victimhood, dividing us along race lines, and scapegoating caucasians).I don't remember him mentioning God, although I'm sure he must have.

The high point for me came when, in sad irony, the speaker announced that more and more, we are realizing that the Church has been an institution of Empire.  No, it has been a conservative institution and now it's leftist and no better.  The irony, can you not see?  It is doing the same damn thing it has always done.  Christianity is supposed to be countercultural anyway.  But, the ACC has always been political. Sadly, that is the direction of government, to the left.  And, the ACC is right there with them again.

Where it was once "the Conservative Party at prayer," it is now the mouth piece for Neomarxism, Pluralism, Postmodernism, Gaia worship and Tribalism.  It is what C.S. Lewis described in the Screwtape Letters as using faith as a means to an end.

Dad used to say about the leftists United Church of Canada, "it's okay to be liberal.  But why does the United Church always have to lead the damn charge?"