Thursday, May 27, 2021


I've been attending a friend's Church's Bible study on the book of Revelation.  I've learned a few things:

• Peter considered Paul's writings to be scripture 
• Some contest the authorship of Hebrews 
• My eternal Hell idea may be heresy 

While the Apostles' would have been referencing the Old Testament when speaking about scripture, Peter apparently said that the Jews were treating Paul's writings like they did other scripture.  The key word is other.  2 Peter 3:14-16

Being used to my 39 Articles, I didn't realize that anybody (Lutherans) didn't consider Hebrew canon, which explains why they might contest authorship.  Although, I might be putting the cart first.

Jesus freed the spirits in Hell while He laid entombed.  Hence, I reasoned that Hell was eternal; it was a good explanation in my mind for how one who died in sin and never hearing the Gospel could be saved.  Pastor Matthew said that it presents a theological problem, as it would suggest that you always existed. 

So, I'm learning lots.  Not just about Revelation, I'm learning.

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