Monday, October 19, 2020


It's very easy to fall off the wagon.  During the pandemic lockdown, which lasted eight weeks for me, I learned to pray the Anglican Breviary.  It was a rich and rewarding--yet time consuming--practice.  I reverted to the BCP offices when I returned to work...briefly.  Then, I fell away from praying the Office altogether. It's easy to do.  

A friend of mine once said that if you miss two consecutive workouts, you are no longer working out.  The office is much the same way.

I still kept praying at bedtime, a short--very--prayer.  I kept giving thanks over my meals.  I kept praying for protection prior to running.  But, my prayer life still suffered.

I didn't have that rich and rewarding experience of praying the Office.  It's very much like exercise for your soul.  

As you might have suspected, I prayed Morning Prayer today...after months of neglect (negligence).  Immediately, a feeling--a unique to The Office feeling--of joy grasped me.  Why had I waited so long?

Today is the moved Feast of St. Luke The Evangelist.  Fitting, he heals and I was being healed.  Today, not coincidentally, is my first day of two weeks of vacation--also moved (relocated) due to COVID.  

Isiah 55 was the designated Old Testament reading for Morning Prayer today.  It's a great way to start back.  God, according to the passage, is merciful and forgives quickly.  His ways are not our ways.  He gives us the water that quenches our thirst.

Maybe, with God's help, I can keep it up.  The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step after all. 

As a side note and afterthought, I prefer the BCP in many ways to the Breviary. I love the sanctification of time with the Anglican Breviary, and the structure and also the dedication or discipline too.  But, the BCP has more--at least as I perceive it--intercessory prayer (which I adore and need to pray).

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