Thursday, September 5, 2019

Strange Dream Again

I had a dream that there were three shooters at work; we had an active shooter situation.  Let me start at the beginning.  I awoke in the hospital from a coma and I was in bad shape.  I had been found face down on the concrete with my tongue out on the concrete.  Why was that an important thing?  I also had amnesia and couldn't remember the last several weeks or more.  I remember asking the psychologist questions upon hearing that there was an active shooter.  I remember asking if people died and the answer was yes.  I remember asking sheepishly if I killed anybody, and the psychologist reluctantly responded with a yes, probably not wanting to cause me stress.  I later discovered that there were almost 50 people killed.  As it turned out, much of the blame was laid at my feet as I fought back.  Many felt that I provoked the shooters.  After much investigation, I learned that I neutralized the first shooter, took his AK-47 and fired into the air at the base of the front outside stairwell to get any other shooters to surrender.  Note:  My work does not have at outside front stairwell.  It alerted the other two shooters to my position.  I guess the second shooter and I must have shot each other.  As the third shooter rampaged, he passed me by as I was face down with my tongue on the concrete.  Scores of friends and coworkers had been killed.  Here's where the dream took a weird twist.  I went back in time, I guess in my own body a la Quantum Leap with Scott Bacula.  (Because, there weren't two of me).  I decided to right my wrong.  This time, I fired no warning shots.  After I neutralized the first shooter and took his AK, I first shot and killed the second shooter, then the third.  No hostages were killed.  Okay Freudian deal analysis people, what's going on? 

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