Saturday, September 14, 2019


I am often told by those I know that I obsess about things.  But, that is what I do.  I am still deeply saddened by my daughter loosing her first dog that she loved so much.  The image of her sitting outside the veterinary college waiting room, cradling that dashound like a child, incapacitated with sorrow, weeping unabashedly (nothing else mattered in that moment), is a mental image that still greaves me and at the time was painful and a herculean task to have to witness and be part of.

Everybody prayed for the dog to have some virus or something that would pass with treatment.   I, being a pessimist, assumed the worst would be that they would recommend expensive surgery that would cost $6000+ and that Chandra would incur massive debt.  Nobody expected that they would say that the dog couldn't be cured nor treated and must be put down immediately.  Chandra was so close to the little animal and was already struggling with hard times.  It seemed so unfair and was so heartwrenching.  She, like I, am still sad...except more so. 

@wramier: ��  Shared via TweetCaster

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