Wednesday, August 14, 2019


Seven days without prayer makes one weak.

So, I've now gone several days without praying the office.  Sometimes I am too tired, don't have enough time, don't think my heart is in the right place.  The days add up quickly.  I've been negligent.   Sure, I say grace over a meal when I eat and give thanks  for other things, say a quick "forgive me Father" when I catch myself breaking the Golden Rule; but, I don't spend any significant time in prayer when I miss the offices.  Not that you need to pray the Office to spend time in prayer, I just find the Daily Office invaluable.  I gotta get back.  A healthy prayer life is of the utmost importance.  

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Light Flicker

Oh my God, today was a hard day!  I think Page said goodbye as the light flickered twice in the vet's office after her heart stopped and during her paw printing; after she has been euthanased,  the intern "fingerprinted" her so that Chandra could have a keepsake.  Chandra is a mess.  Please keep her in your prayers if you aren't already.


It looks like I haven't posted in about two months.  I did mean to post in July about the 15th & 16th Psalm; or, was that the 16th and 17th Psalm.  But, I was negligent.  So, here we have my first post of the Summer I believe.  I wish it were under better circumstances. 

We are going to put down Page, my daughter's dog, just after six O'clock tonight.  It doesn't seem fair.  I can certainly understand how people become angry at God when loved ones (human) are snatched away.  This little animal was one of the family.  And, it couldn't come at a worse time is seems.  

My daughter and her boyfriend have went their separate ways.  After several failed close relationships, blaming herself, she's fighting the Noon Day Demon.  This little animal, companion, was the only constant in her post University life, her greatest comfort.  Having been criticized for being too attached to this "animal", my vegetarian animal loving daughter loved this dog like it was a child.  She's devastated.  It's heart wrenching.  It seems so unfair and cruel.  The dog was only three years old.  They say that if you spell God backwards it spells the perfect animal friend companion that he gave to us.

I'm not angry at God because I tell myself that God didn't do this.  God is there to support us in these times, if you let Him.  It requires a conscious effort to keep oneself in that mindset.  He isn't Santa God that brings you what you want.  The world is cruel.  But, if you let Him, he will comfort you in your pain.  I'm heartbroken. I pray for her mental and emotional well being.