Monday, November 13, 2017

Log Jam Complete

That clears it out again.   ...for now....

Gaia did not die on the Cross.

This Moral Panic has gone too far.

20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.  Exodus

Even More on Fasting

It's disappointing when you break a fast. There's also the feeling that you've let God down.  I remember one Lent I gave up coffee.  I was outside on a Saturday working on my boat when my brother showed up with a tray of coffees.  I never even thought.  Thanks!  Sip!  Cindy came out the back door, "Hey, you're not supposed to have coffee."  It was too late.  My Lent was ruined.  I've also had some very successful Lents.  What's worse than the mistake is giving in.  On my pre-Thanksgiving fast, I gave in.  I can get back on my horse, but my sense of accomplishment will be gone.  But, maybe that's the lesson here.  We can do nothing on our own.  We can only fail without Him.  We are sinful creatures by nature.  Maybe I can re-fast between Thanksgiving and Advent.  Wish me luck.

Without Complaint

In today's Gospel reading, there are two sons.  I think I'm more of the first son.  I complain a lot, but then I do it.  But, I believe it was St. Benedict that said we should do our works without complaint.


I've heard that when we fast, that's when the Devil attacks most.  I don't know about being sent demons--although I'm aware of spiritual warfare, but certainly tempting is much worse.  It seems like fasting makes me worse not stronger.  Fasting is supposed to strengthen us spiritually. But it seems that I am weaker and more susceptible to sin.

Fw: Be At Peace

On Wed, Sep 6, 2017 at 12:29 pm, William Ramier
<> wrote:

Log Jam The 3rd

I've found yet more posts that are stuck in my Android Yahoo Mail app.  Hang on...  Here we go.

Big Bag Theory

Could time travel have caused the hydrogen atoms to congragate?

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Gun Grabbers

I'm a wampire!

I got a really nice compliment today.  I ran into an old work friend whom I haven't seen for almost ten years, and he wanted to know where all my gray hair was and said, "This guy's a vampire."

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Liberty & Violence

The thing liberals don't understand about their gun fight is that they're attacking gun ownership and not addressing gun violence.  The thing liberals don't understand about gun owners is that they're not defending guns.  They're defending rights.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Two Truths

1. Not all people are equal, sorry but they're not.  I won't lie and pretend they are.

2.  All people should be treated equal, especially under the law.

When in conflict, go with rule #2.

FYI, equal means the same.   ...the same at the starting line, not the finish line.  No animal is more equal than another.

The Committee of Public Safety has decided that Danton shall not speak!

Monday, November 6, 2017

Remove Turnip!

Rice in the burrito or bread in the turkey.

Reading through university papers with all the feminism references--seemingly added to meet content quotas--and theory, I can imagine how the serious scientists in Nazi Germany must have mentality sifted through the official documents for the meat of the matter, except the Major Frank Burnses of the establishment who must have been lapping it up. Thealogians must have felt the same going through King James' added scripture on witches to the KJV Bible--although minor volume by comparison, or TV hosts plugging a mundane product during a live broadcast.

Thanks to the good folks at Itchy Arse Anal Gel for making this broadcast possible.  Itchy Arse, for all your anal needs.

We will never have harmony.

The closer we get to equality, the more vocal/violent/aggressive and unequal the "oppressed" become.

P.S.  We live in a Me culture now.

Destroyers of Higher Standards of Living

Liberals look at the goose that lays the golden eggs and can't see anything but how plump the goose is.