Monday, October 5, 2015

AFP Fall Gathering

Saturday I went to the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer's Fall Gathering.  The guest speaker was Sr. Elizabeth Anne SSJD and there were some hum moments for me.  I really liked the prayer the sister read by George Appleton, which goes as follows: 

O God, I know that if I do not love thee
with all my heart, with all my mind,
with all my soul and with all my strength,
I shall love something else
with all my heart and mind and soul and strength.
Grant that putting thee first in all my lovings, 
I may be liberated from all lesser loves and loyalties,
and have thee as my first love, my chiefest good and my final joy.  Amen

The subject of the rod and staff surfaced as we read over the 24rd psalm.  I thought that it's more like a pool noodle than a rod as God has been very merciful with me.  Or as I said, "He hasn't punished me as I deserve."

There was also a great piece by Abba Poemen:

The nature of water is yielding, and that of stone is hard. Yet if you hang a bottle filled with water above the stone so that the water drips drop by drop, it will wear a hole in the stone. In the same way the word of God is tender, and our heart is hard. So when people hear the word of God frequently, their hearts are changed.

When I first saw this, I turned away in mild disgust.  The reason?  The back drop for the poster on which the words were displayed looked too green.  I thought it was yet another environmental blurb being rammed down my throat.  Perceptions....

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