Wednesday, April 29, 2015

White Privilege

I have slept on the floor because I had no bed.   I have been refused service because of my ethnic background.   And, I did it in a society that would give the job to a lesser qualified black man because he was black.  Also don't call me white.   I'm Micmac & Normand/Scottish and proud of it.  I'm sick of being called white.  I prefer Canadian.

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There are some things that should be publicly owned, like water and sewage, electricity and paramedics.  Work should never be subsidized; employment should never be subsidized, giving the lazy the fruits of the hard working.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015


I haven't been sleeping well as of late, and have been having strange dreams/nightmares, possession--particularly disturbing for me, being chased for illegally time traveling, and being trapped inside a computer program.  Strange....


Some words have become tainted.  Much as retarded is not used anymore, some words hurt my ears.  Words I hate now are social justice, progressive, privilege, socialism, inclusive, stewardship, global warming, equality, fair share, marginalized, feminist, etc....  There are more, but I think you get the point.  And, you probably see a theme.  They have become repugnant to me.  They have become a distraction along The Way and tend to separate me from Christ.

Monday, April 27, 2015


Diego isn't where he is because the world is down on him.  God has allowed me to have what I have because I have worked hard for it!  He's a no good welfare bum.  He lives in a slum as a direct result of his own choices.  And yet, he is the victim and nothing ever goes his way.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

Lock 'em up!

I remember Canon Michael once saying that children didn't belong at the adult service.  Today was one of those days when I thought that Sunday School could also use bars.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Message from

Light A Candle
I miss Fr. Ted. I miss his sermons. I miss his Maundy Thursday service, the best. I miss coffee and snacks on his deck, his garden. I miss his calm.

Click here to see the candle


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Thursday, April 23, 2015


Thinking--first thoughts--that, women are not just cooks and mothers.  Girls shouldn't be raised to achieve nothing more in life.  At the same time, I appreciate that Mom was a stay at home mom, and so was my wife.  And, I appreciate that too.  And, I can't judge the Duggers.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Really? Socialism is not Communism? Really?

"The goal of socialism is communism."  Vladimir Lenin

Right, Right, Wrong

I had a minor epiphany a few days ago.  Christians view the scriptures of the Jews (who came before them) in a very different light than the Muslims view the Christian (who came before them) scriptures.  To Christians, the scriptures of the Jews are correct and used.  They are Holy and are the word of God.  The Muslims, on the other hand, view the Christian scriptures as being error filled and wrong.  They claim that Jesus did not in fact die on the Cross, but that He left that fate for St. Peter as a punishment for his three time denial of Christ.  (I won't get into what that means here, but leave it for another blog).


PET created the PMO much like Chancellor Palpatine requested temporary emergency power, for the good.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015


After a convrtsation I had today, I'd like to state that socialism is wrong. There are some things that should be publicly owned--like water and sewage, firefighters and paramedics--but never work. Work should not be subsidized; income should not be socialized.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

SSM Cake

With the SSM cake issue heating up in The States, the issue is forcing people (me too) to take sides.  I don't want to be their enemy.  But, as I've said before, "They're going to make me an enemy, and I don't want to be their enemy."  I was and am in favor of SSM.  That being said, I can't stand by while they attack the Church.  They are forcing my hand.  I have, and will, contributed financially and politically to the fight on this specific attack.  Much like the English sailors didn't really want to fight the Danes at Copenhagen, sometimes we are forced into a fight we don't want to fight.  Ever try to break up a fight in high school and get a shot in the head for your trouble; that happened to me.  This is not a fight I want.  FATHER, show us a way forward in mutual respect and cooperation.  I ask this in Jesus' name.  Amen.


How long will it be until, like the Jews, Christians have to make a pilgrimage to a new land they can call a nation? 

Money Money

It's true that the conservatives are equally guilty of handing out people's money to them.  The difference being, conservatives give you back your own money to spend as you see fit while liberals give you gift certificates to shops you will never visit.

Don't Understand World

I don't understand the world we live in.  People won't eat meat, but the same people are okay with the murder of the unborn.  They are stanch supporters of no kill shelters, but are in favor of euthanizing the elderly.  Sometimes I hear people--usually quite old--say that they just don't understand the world anymore.  I get it.