Friday, August 29, 2014

Call a Spade a Spade?

Speaking of free speech, why are we forbidden from, and censored for, speaking about Muslim violence.  While it's true that not all Muslims are bad people, Jews do not fly planes into buildings for their god.  Why can't we take steps to protect ourselves from those who wage holy war?  At what point do your liberal values become more precious than human lives?  How many must die before you pull your head out of the sand?  This pansification of society makes us all vulnerable.  The Boston bombing didn't happen because these people are excluded, as Justin Trudeau suggested.  The bombing happened because these individuals hate us and want to destroy us in their holy war.  This Islamophilia must stop; we're putting innocent people at risk because of ideals.  How many lives to purchase your ideal?  Louis XVI wouldn't have lost his kingdom if he had been competent in recognizing and dealing with events in his time.

Free Speech

When did not offending somebody become more important than our constitutional right--no, fundamental freedom--of free speech?

It's truly insidious how it sneaks in and takes away civil liberties.  By it you can assign liberal political correctness, social engineering, over regulation, big government bureaucracy, etc... to the word it.  Remember, the Reign of Terror was orchestrated under the guise of public safety, The Committee of Public Safety.  What could be better than to make us all more safe?

Thursday, August 28, 2014

201 Days

The hour is late.


It's been a long hard four years.  It has been spiritually, emotionally, and physically draining, not just in a temporary transitory trifling way.

To Be or Not to Be, A Hermit

The thought of becomming a hermit--a true hermit, forsaking the world for a life of work and prayer in solitude--is very appealing to me.  But, what would I eat?  What about my family?  Where would I go, up North to Crown land?  Could it even be done? 

To those who are offended:

Please don't censor me; I am trying to be honest and it is not my intention to offend anybody.  If I have offended you personally, I ask you to accept my apologizes, forgive me, and consider not visiting my blog for my benefit.


I decided a long time ago, after much thought and some prayer, to step down from my parish council.  Yesterday, while helping Cindy fill in for the custodian who is on vacation, I noticed a picture in the lower hall that said something like, "Why try to fit in when you were born to stand out."  But, what does it mean?


I visited the Salem Witch Museum when I was in Salem on Monday.  I really identified with the overlaying theme.  I am persecuted for my conservative beliefs.  I could loose my job now for my views, but the day is coming when I will be fined/charged by the state for speaking my mind.  I am labeled a bigot, racist, sexist, intolerant, ignorant, uneducated, dull minded, close minded, stupid, etc....  I am ridiculed and shunned by the left, who control education and government bureaucracy, main line religious organizations and secular charities/service clubs.  There is no place for me.


The irony is, nobody will be grateful no matter how many times you pay until they pay their own way; no matter how much you want them to be grateful, they will not understand until they experience the unpleasantness of giving a piece of themselves.