Monday, December 23, 2013

The True Meaning of Christmas

So, I'm watching TV the other night when an ad comes on.  The woman says the true meaning of Christmas isn't giving and getting gifts, it's loving and helping others.  Wrong!  It's a nice statement, and a worthy goal.  However, that being said, it is NOT the true meaning of Christmas, Christ Mass.  What ever could be the true meaning of CHRISTmas?  Well, we've let the politically correct sensor us to the point that the atheists and non Christians have really won, haven't they?  Does anybody know what Christmas is now?  Please, let me and my people celebrate Christmas, not have a happy holiday season.  I will let you celebrate Hanukkah and Ramadan unmolested too.  Enjoy your culture, traditions, and faith.  We, after all, live in a mosaic society...wink wink nudge nudge.

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