Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Freedom of Speech

Some day in the near future, I will receive an e-mail or notification informing me that I have violated some policy and that my account here has been frozen or locked or deleted etc...  It's sad that we can't practice our constitutional right to express ourselves through speech and "pen".  I don't always have to be right (I do grow and change); but, we need healthy debate too.  Voltaire must be rolling in his grave!

Why the Frack Can't We Leave People Alone

Now I hear there's an uproar in England because some department store clerk clerk refused to sell alcohol for religious reasons.  Everybody!  Leave everyone alone!  Frack!  It's like kindergarten.

Why Can't We Just Leave People Alone

So, I tried to send the guys at Duck Command an e-mail from their web page that didn't get through.  Here's a snipit of it:

"You should all quit in protest.  I think that the statement made may not have been the best choice in topic; but, I believe in freedom of speech and expression.  While my own Christian faith allows me to accept gays and gay marriage, I also understand the "love the sinner hate the sin" approach of the Evangelical Christian folks.  The fact is that I used to agree with Phill, still believe in God, and think that censorship is very wrong.  Nobody bothered to bring to my attention the part where Phill said to love and not to judge.  The show is a huge hit for A&E and you should all leave in protest.  God willing, everything will work out.  Peace be with you."

Here is an interesting article to read from Chicks on the Right:


Monday, December 23, 2013

For the Lazy

The harder you work, the more distasteful is socialism; also, the lazier you are, the more palatable is socialism.

The True Meaning of Christmas

So, I'm watching TV the other night when an ad comes on.  The woman says the true meaning of Christmas isn't giving and getting gifts, it's loving and helping others.  Wrong!  It's a nice statement, and a worthy goal.  However, that being said, it is NOT the true meaning of Christmas, Christ Mass.  What ever could be the true meaning of CHRISTmas?  Well, we've let the politically correct sensor us to the point that the atheists and non Christians have really won, haven't they?  Does anybody know what Christmas is now?  Please, let me and my people celebrate Christmas, not have a happy holiday season.  I will let you celebrate Hanukkah and Ramadan unmolested too.  Enjoy your culture, traditions, and faith.  We, after all, live in a mosaic society...wink wink nudge nudge.


I understand his point. It is, however, an invalid argument (slippery slope); there is no connection leading from one to another. That being said, he is passionate about it and his god. He truly believes it is wrong, and that the world is descending into evil. Christ called us to be in the world but not of the world. St. Paul said that he needed to be all things to all men in order to win them for Christ; or, when in Rome do as the Romans do. Being in the world but not of the world, there is no need for Phill to try to fight all the evil he sees in it. St. Francis said to preach the Gospel at all times and when necessary use words. We don't have to use words. We can live a Holy life, or as near to Christ's example as we can. God has given us other examples, less perfect than Christ. St. Peter was far from perfect; and so, St. Peter is easy to identify with. We can't be perfect, and we don't have to be as we are washed of our sins by Christ's sacrifice. And, is it truly evil, or is it judgment? If they give thanks to God for the gift of love, as St. Paul explains in the 14th Ch. of Romans, is it still sin? I believe it is not. To be all things to all men, Phill needs to stop telling God loving homosexuals that they are sinning. Who am I to judge a fellow servant of the master? He is simply zealous and misguided in his actions, as St. Paul was at the stoning of St. Stephen. To be in the world as a witness and not judging is not easy. We always want to be the older brother of the prodigal son, telling the father than the brother has sinned and getting mad when the father welcomes the return of the prodigal son. We must all be all things to all men to win them for Christ and trust God and leave punishment to Him alone. As we judge, so shall we be judged. Now...unpack all that.