Friday, September 7, 2012

Psalm 19

As I go through my drought, the valley of my faith, I read Psalm 19 the other day (I know I say the other day a lot).  A part of it jumped out at me, about judgment.  I am aware of my sin, even in this valley.  People talk about it, but I never understood it until it came.  I want my old faith back.  LORD, let not my sin get dominion over me.  Amen
This week I said goodbye to one of our wardens (elder).  Yes he was 80, but it was sudden.  It got me thinking, a lot.  And, it got me back in Church again.  It was good for me.  It provided a spark.  Goodbye Glen, I wish I had known you better.  I learned more about your life at your funeral than I did in talking to you; and, it shouldn't be that way.

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