Tuesday, September 11, 2012


I love my dogs.  They never hurt my feelings and they're always happy to see me.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

It Never Rains But it Pours

I used to think stress didn't effect me. Partly because I thought I didn't have any stress in my life--the little things were like water off a duck's back--part of it was that I thought that understanding stress and its effects somehow protected me from it. Maybe it was the it'll never happen to me syndrome. Well, the stress of life is getting to me; I can see it. Pressure at work, lack of money and too many bills, a sense of lack of fulfillment or lack of purpose, and an out of control teenager at home. I thought I had taught her so well. I have discovered that I can't handle the stress of even this one thing; I can't deal with a teenager. It's like trying to run 16 amps through a 15 amp fuse. Or, as Elgin King so eloquently put it, "That's not going to work. You know why? Because I'm sick of people asking me to put ten pounds of shit in a five pound shit bag!" He sure had a way with words…. And, on top of all of it is my faith valley. It never rains but it pours.


I've been told many times before--by well meaning people--that I missed my calling when I start talking about God and the Church.  My fear of public speaking aside, I don't feel I have ever been called to ordained ministry.  I have waited and listened, but I have not seen a sign; I do not feel that I have been called.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Psalm 19

As I go through my drought, the valley of my faith, I read Psalm 19 the other day (I know I say the other day a lot).  A part of it jumped out at me, about judgment.  I am aware of my sin, even in this valley.  People talk about it, but I never understood it until it came.  I want my old faith back.  LORD, let not my sin get dominion over me.  Amen
This week I said goodbye to one of our wardens (elder).  Yes he was 80, but it was sudden.  It got me thinking, a lot.  And, it got me back in Church again.  It was good for me.  It provided a spark.  Goodbye Glen, I wish I had known you better.  I learned more about your life at your funeral than I did in talking to you; and, it shouldn't be that way.


If the early Church leaders were told that what was loosed on Earth would be loosed in Heaven, can't a Bishop "okay" gay marriage?  We are free from the law after all.  Would it be any different than St. Peter telling us all food was clean to eat?


To those who always say, "Christians are hypocrites," I say this: While you may feel entitled to speak on the subject because your grandparents were members of the Christian faith, this is not hereditary--nor is your right to speak with authority on the subject. Do you go to Church? Then shut up.