Sunday, January 15, 2012

Pope Gay Bad

So, the Pope says that gay marriage is bad for humanity. That got me thinking about a lot of other laws in the Bible, like not eating pork for instance. Now, Peter had a dream about eating unclean animals being acceptable; but, why was in not okay to eat pork? I think maybe God was protecting us. In that part of the world in those times, you could get very sick from eating pork. So, if the people didn't understand this, God might just tell them not to eat it. It's like a three year old wanting to stick a toy in the electrical socket. I can't say, "Don't do that. You'll be electrocuted." The child will not understand. So, I give the kid a slap on the butt if the kid goes near the socket. This works. Maybe homosexuality was anti procreation, so the law said that it was wrong because we were supposed to multiply and fill the Earth.

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