Sunday, August 29, 2010

Jumping Psalms

William Ramier wrote
at 3:02pm
I was reading the 119th Psalm the other day, and some stuff about sin jumped out at me. It jumped out because I am very aware of the evil that I do that I don't want to do, to take a page from St. Paul's writing.

"Great peace have they who love your law; for them there is no stumbling block." Psalms 119:165 (BAS)

"Let my supplication come before you; deliver me, according to your promise." Psalms 119:170 (BAS)

"Let me live, and I will praise you, and let your judgements help me. I have gone astray like a sheep that is lost; search for your servant, for I do not forget your commandments." Psalms 119:175-176 (BAS)

Monks do it!

William Ramier wrote
at 2:55pm
"Seven times a day do I praise you, because of your righteous judgements."
Psalms 119:164 (BAS)

Never stop praying!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


William Ramier wrote
at 9:32pm
"Prayer is something that is always going on in your heart. The connection between you and God is always there, always live, always reaching out."
Br. Bede Thomas Mudge OHC

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Just a building (cont.)

William Ramier wrote at 4:16pm
I know our bodies are temples too (God dwells inside us), but if it's just a building then why did Jesus kick the money changers out in anger.

80 if we are strong

William Ramier wrote at 4:07pm
Go back O child of Earth.

Where does faith come from?

William Ramier wrote at 4:04pm
How do we get faith? Faith comes from hearing the message. The message comes through preaching of Christ.
Swiped from the 10th chapter of the book of Romans.

Not just a building

William Ramier wrote at 4:00pm
"My devotion to your Temple burns in me like a fire; the insults which are hurled at you fall on me."
Psalms 69:9 (TEV)

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

649 Happy Dance

William Ramier wrote
at 3:24pm
I read a Psalm the other day, and I can't remember which one because I'm a knob; but, it was around the 60s, I think, and said that we should not wish for what the evil have and to put our trust in God. It kind of reminded me of the sermon that the Rev. Deacon Tom Patterson gave at St. Paul's, the one about the 649 happy dance, and how if we put our trust in God we wouldn't need a 649 happy dance.

Strong Sins

William Ramier wrote
at 7:30pm on August 14th, 2010
I was reading the 65th Psalm the other day, and I had something, yes you guessed it, jump out at me. It was the third verse, which reads like this:

"Our sins are stronger than we are, but you will blot them out." Psalms 65:3 (BAS)

It reminds me of St. Paul saying that he ended up doing the evil he did not want to do.

Women and Hair

William Ramier wrote
at 7:28pm on August 14th, 2010
I've always found that women look much more attractive with long hair, and after reading the 11th chapter of 1st Corinthians, it would seem that St. Paul agrees with me.

Not "A" Way...The Way!

William Ramier wrote
at 7:26pm on August 14th, 2010
Jesus is THE way, the truth, and the life.

What do we celebrate?

William Ramier wrote
at 7:25pm on August 14th, 2010
I was thinking the other day: What does Christmas and Easter mean to most North Americans?

I imagined an outsider, coming here, and asking, "What are you celebrating?" Then I imagined that the average person would respond, "'s kind of...a time we all get together...and spend time with family, eat big meals, maybe put up a tree...and take a break from work...because you know, family and stuff is important." Scratching their head, I then imagine the stranger asks, "That's a wonderful way to celebrate; but, what are you celebrating?" To which they might continue, "Well, it's like...we get together and give each other gifts and presents and chocolate because we're family and...well...we love our families, right? So, it's like we are showing our love. And, everybody gets a long weekend," because they don't have a friggen clue. But, what are we really celebrating? I remember I was very surprised last Christmas when I watched the Charlie Brown Christmas special...and they actually got it right!

Enemy of My Friend

William Ramier wrote
at 7:16pm on August 14th, 2010
I don't get the whole the neighbor of my enemy must be my neighbors enemy thing, and I never did. But, I've seen it lots.