Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Cultivating Victimhood

So, this happened:  The Toronto Police advised residents to leave their keys in their cars for thieves to take their vehicles, rather than have them break into their homes looking for the keys.  That's how bad crime has gotten. Why have we gotten so weak?  Why is it so wrong to fight back?

This reminds me of the advice for rape victims to not resist but to urinate on themselves so the attacker will be discouraged. What is wrong with society?

Monday, April 22, 2024


I'm at the point now where I need reading glasses and pride has already punished me for not using them.  I don't have gray hair yet; in my beard I do, on my chin.  Bishop Mar Mari--who was attacked last week--is less than ten years older than me, and he is white.  I don't have any crows' feet yet, but my back is always sore.  My kid is pushing thirty.  Am I old...

Bad Omens

I was bombarded yesterday with songs about infidelity.  I'm not too sure what it means.  ABBA, I have only two commandments left unbroken.  May it be Your will that it stays that way and that I be protected.  I ask in Jesus' name.  Amen. 


I opened the bedside Bible in the hotel this morning looking for Zachariah's canticle for morning prayer (Gospel according to St. Luke), as I left the BCP at home.  Two pages were dog eared.  Both were from the book of Revelation.  The first started with the armies of the earth gathering against the rider on the horse.  Many people see the current conflicts as the start of WWIII.  The second page marked was about the tree of life.  I got the feeling that a person didn't mark them, but that it was random, like the Bible was pushed into something.  🤔


I had a dream last night that I was removing my "jewelry" in front of people. The athiests challenged me in a question as to why I kissed the cross when I removed it from around my neck.  I actually has the guts in my dream to explain why.  May God make it so in life.