Thursday, June 30, 2022

Dare I speak?

How many people died from COVID as opposed to with COVID?  The numbers are highly suspect.


Just a short time ago, you’d be censored on social media for even mentioning it, or the Chinese lab, a man made virus, or civil liberties violations.  And, that’s even without discussing a plandemic (which I don’t subscribe to, as the evidence is circumstantial at best).  Although, that being said, the Great Reset people and Eco-terrorists believe that overpopulation (humans) are the problem.


Death is epidemic.  The real test will be in comparing the number of total deaths against averages of previous years. 


At its worse, COVID killed under 7 million people, a far cry from the 120 people I estimated early on (March 2020), based on the numbers out of Italy.


Tuesday, June 28, 2022


When I was a kid, I used to hate going to bed in the Summer evenings with the sunlight.  Bed time was like some kind of punishment.  Now, it's a treat.

I prayed the Office of Evening Prayer tonight.  It's been so long.  This is a big long valley that I'm in.

I went to the dentist again last week.  ...again for my top right incisor.  Every time now, I beg them to fill it rather than give me a crown.  I push it out as far as I can.  Because, a crown lasts 10 to 15 years.  After that, you need to have the tooth removed and to get dentures.  I'm fighting aging tooth and nail, no pun intended.  Like the Queen Mother, I still have all my own teeth.

I went by Dad's grave Sunday.  The foundation for the headstone is poured.  I stopped and talked.  I miss the two way conversations.