Sunday, September 26, 2021


Craig, or as I call him, has left the parish.  He promised to keep in touch.  He is a unique individual.  I found him to be exceptional at pastoral ministry, and at reaching out.  He has a gift.  I will miss him.  And, he's only been here for a few months.  I've only been going to Church for three weeks.  Impact, that's what that is called.  Efficiency, bang for your buck, he was overworked and put through the proverbial ringer.  I will likely continue to feel like I don't fit or belong.  But, wow, did he ever change that, a true minister of Christ.  He doesn't seem to accept praise well.  But, what I said was in ernest.  I truly appreciated him.  May GOD ALMIGHTY continue to bless us all with his ministry. Amen.

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