Thursday, September 30, 2021

Teeth & Dreams

I had a super crazy dream last night.  Super crazy.  I dreamt that I was on a cruise ship and that I had a chest burster inside me.  I knew about it, and--I think--I used the PA to ask for help.  One person could help, a child.  On my back on the floor, as the pain and pressure mounted, the child began to cut open my torso with a scalpel.  I passed out from the pain.  So, the critter was taken out of me.  I awoke to being fine and okay.  I was in a cabin with Cindy and the child who saved me, who looked at me with crazy eyes.  He opened his mouth wide, and a face hugger crawled out.  I ran out of the room and slammed the door, leaving the face hugger in the cabin with the child and with Cindy (admittedly not the bravest and most noble thing I could have done).  I opened the door a crack, and bashed the face hugger—now on the floor—with something (improvised weapon).  As it died, it revealed that it was actually AI and that it had only been defending itself.  The last thing it would have heard was my voice retorting, “well, we didn’t know that.” 


So my day before that?  I did mention teeth.  So, I went to the dentist.  Years ago because of my very deep bite, and the wear on my upper incisors, Dr. Sylvester had to fill my teeth with enormous fillings.  He said that it would be the last time that they would be able to be filled.  I’ve been hyper concerned about that for years.  Well, in the last week I chipped the front right tooth.  I was in semi panic mode.  Would I need a crown?  Would I loose the tooth?  How would it change my appearance?  My confidence?  Self-esteem?  I showed up, nervous, to my appointment yesterday.  I almost begged Dr. Kim to fill it so that I could avoid a crown, which she did.  According to her, it was a small chip; and, she didn’t even feel that I needed freezing.  She was right about that, no pain.  So, I made out good.  TBTG.  As I explained to her, if crowns last 10-15 years, I want to push out getting one for as long as I can.  She reassured me that with proper care, they can last much longer than that.  And, because the tooth was so thin now, there would continue to be issues with it chipping.  In the long run, filling it would be much more expensive.  I care not, at this point.  I want to avoid a crown for as long as I can.  First world problems?

Sunday, September 26, 2021


Craig, or as I call him, has left the parish.  He promised to keep in touch.  He is a unique individual.  I found him to be exceptional at pastoral ministry, and at reaching out.  He has a gift.  I will miss him.  And, he's only been here for a few months.  I've only been going to Church for three weeks.  Impact, that's what that is called.  Efficiency, bang for your buck, he was overworked and put through the proverbial ringer.  I will likely continue to feel like I don't fit or belong.  But, wow, did he ever change that, a true minister of Christ.  He doesn't seem to accept praise well.  But, what I said was in ernest.  I truly appreciated him.  May GOD ALMIGHTY continue to bless us all with his ministry. Amen.

Sunday, September 19, 2021


I've long understood the relationship between speed and time.  In my teens I found great book that I loved called Iron Sun.  I was watching a YouTube video yesterday.  I heard it articulated in this video in a way that I haven't thought of before.

He said that photons have no mass and must travel at a constant.  If speed increases, and light can't change it's speed, then time must change.

Pray For Your Enemies

So, it occurred to me today that I am neglecting somebody on my prayer list.  An oversight?

Jesus Among Us

A women stood up today and said that she has attended St. Paul's for 12 years, but that none of us had ever seen her.  It was a shiver down the spine moment.

P.S.  We are told to look for, or see the face of, Christ in each person we meet (St. Benedict's Rule?).

Saturday, September 18, 2021


I wonder to myself how much different the world would be today if the Great Library of Alexandria had not burned down.  How much more advanced might we be?

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


"The concern for victims, then, needs to be open to all victims and must avoid the rage and vengefulness that, far from helping victims, creates more victims."  Abbot Andrew Marr OSB


It's always necessary when freedoms are infringed upon.  They never take it away when it isn't.  The things that humans always realize afterwords is that you have to buy it back with deaths and it's not worth living without it.