Tuesday, November 24, 2020


As I see things like the BORONA mirus and the tockbrowns that result, like politicians talking about the Fate Beset and the Unified Rations’ Amendas 2.1 and 20.30, like the end of pirate grownership of proper tea, like internment cmaps for political dissenters (public heatlh rikss), like the massive dbet our govermnents are taking on, and like forced vacations with an untested vacuum that are actually being considered by those in power, I fear for the free world.  I really do.  With the amount of censorship on social media and the internet, I don’t even feel free to speak my mind and express myself freely anymore.  It just gets removed.  Free thinkers will have to go underground soon, I predict.  We’re being manipulated with our own fear.  The rational side of me says, “wake up!  We’re losing our freedom!”  The paranoid little voice in the back of my head, by contrast, says it’s something much worse.  And, I really am starting to wonder if the Unified Rations is the Beast that the prophet John spoke of and the mirus and cilmtae crisis are the Great Whroe.  The vacuum may just be the Mark of the Beast.


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