Thursday, January 24, 2019


Last night's reading, unless I've lost my place again, is about setting a foundation and others building on it.  I got thinking a lot about this.  I hope I build well.  I have been placed in the path of many people that was not by coincidence.  It would be arrogant of me to assume that it was always only for their benifit.  May God use me well.


P.S.  Apparently some clergy have even taken to removing the Devil verses from the Baptismal Covenant because they don't believe it! 

Bishop of Hippo

The vestry report is out, including a letter from the Bishop of Huron.  So, I've been told before that one does not have to believe every single part of the Apostles Creed to be an Anglican, fine.  I've been told that a new Anglican doesn't even have to believe every part of the Baptismal Covenant to be baptised, er what?  Whatever, the Church has had its left turn signal no for a while; nobody even knows the 39 articles of faith.  So, in the Bishop's letter, she insists that the Five Marks of Mission be present in every part of Parish life, worship, social events, outreach?  Say what now?  I don't even agree with the Five Marks of Mission.  It's leftist indoctrination.  It didn't even exist 20 years ago.  The Apostles Creed is almost 2000 years old!  What is this crap!

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Eye Robot

I woke up during the night, and for the first few seconds, I swear, the LED fireplace looked like it was pixilated. 

E Quill

Men who believe that women need to compensated are the ones who do not see them as equals.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Psalm 103

The psalm appointed for reading today, 103 is a roller coaster, good and not so much.  It is happy and sad, speaks of our mortality and our eternity.  I always spend time in thought after that one.

Ah Ha

Today during the homily, Fr. Dan was talking about the wedding in Cana.  He said not to think that Jesus was a prude; He wasn't anti-alcohol.  Fr. Dan said that things are not inherently bad, it's what you do with them.  I wanted to jump up and scream, "ah ha!"  However my mind wanted to act, my spirit knew better that to be so disruptive or to bring politics into the Temple.  Fr. Dan, if you're ever reading this, you're more than welcome to go shooting with me any time.

Miss Steak

I often make mistakes with The Daily Office.  I realized today that I was a week ahead in the lectionary after Epiphany.  Oops.