Saturday, June 11, 2016

Golden Rule Poster

I'm not a fan of pluralism or relativism, or even mosaic multiculturalism for that matter; however, I saw a poster at St. Joseph's at Parkwood in London on the wall in the hallway on the way to the cafeteria.  It was titled The Golden Rule and was themed:  Treat others the way you want to be treated.  It was a quote from the holy texts of all the major faiths of the world or prominent persons in that faith to reinforce this idea, even Islam.

Doctor Who's Fixed Points

Some day, hopefully when I'm very old, somebody may ask me if I have any regrets.  I'd do things differently.  I know I'm going to be a grumpy old man; but, there are things that I wouldn't change.  They'd be like the fixed points in history that Dr. Who can't change.  Like the eruption of Mr. Vesuvius, I need to make sure certain events happen, like Fleming.  I can stay in Quebec in 1989, but I have to go to Fleming in '94.  Like in Quantum Leap, there are things that should be fixed; but, they can't interfere with the fixed points in my history. 

Sitting Bull

When the White people came from Europe by the ten of thousands and threatened the native peoples of North America, their way of life, and their homes, was it wrong of them to fight us?

Sunday, June 5, 2016


I love the sound of the rain on the roof of the greenhouse.  It's so peaceful.  I miss the sea storms down home.

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Violence should never be your first choice.

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Words (that shut down debate)

It's not hate.  It's reason.
It's not fear.  It's prudence.
It's not xeopohobia.  It's herritage.
It's not bigotry.  It's personal prefrence.
It's not heartlessness.  It's free choice and liberty.
It's not exclusion.  It's equality.
It's not closemindedness.  It's an opinion.
It's not ignorance.  It is supported by facts.
It is not wrong.  It is more right.
I'm not a Nazi.  I value individual liberty and small government and fiscal responsibility.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Prayer Request

Pray for Paul who is sick in the hospital.

Sometimes Violence is the Answer?

I am a firm believer that sometimes violence is the answer, for example Just War or protecting the weak.  Sometimes, during scripture reading I come across the subject of violence.  Many think that all violence is wrong, and shape their doctrine and scripture interpretations to match.  Years ago, the older folks would often quote the phrase vengeance is mine saith the LORD.  However, many versions of the Bible say that thou shalt not murder, not kill.  There is a time to kill and even Jesus said that there would be a time when you would have to take a sword.  Today, as I was chanting the assigned Psalms for today, I ran across something about the LORD hating those who take pleasure in violence.  Again, this can be taken two ways.  There are those who would be happy to cause suffering of others or gain by it, and there are those who would know that it is sometimes necessary and do neither.

Perfect Freedom

Yesterday, as I was praying the second collect for peace for morning prayer in the BCP, I had some words jump out at me when I got to the part where is states whose service is perfect freedom.  And, I thought about being released from the law again and how important that is.