Saturday, August 22, 2015

One Business week in an Abbey

What business do I have in an Abbey?  None.  But, I spent a business week in an Abbey and survived.  It was a very rich experience.


I define myself by my occupation,  right or wrong.  Our Lord was a carpenter.  If only I could take comfort in that.

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Friday, August 21, 2015


The LORD has blessed me greatly.   I am ashamed at all that I have.

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Saturday, August 15, 2015

Horse Crap Dream

I had a strange dream, and perhaps for the first time I understand it all.  I was a minor league baseball player, called up to the majors.   My bus was late and I arrived half an hour after the game started.   My manager benched me and wouldn't let me bat.  Then he made me clean up horse crap that was on the field.

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Aside from having dreams of serving,  I always wanted my death to have meaning.  I imagined dieing from an AK47 wound.  Sound morbid?   Maybe.  Natural causes just seems such a waste.  Jesus said that the greatest act of love was to give your life for a friend.  At least iy gives it purpose and meaning.

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Monday, August 10, 2015


See, I couldn't be a priest; I feel too strongly about certain topics and I wouldn't be able to keep my mouth shut.  I wouldn't be able to minister to all, something that is required--and often is a casualty.

If good fences make good neighbours, do good walls make a good mental state?

They say if you're going to pray/meditate/study/relax/unwind you need a quiet place.  It's often recommended.  But, I can't find one.  I like my house, and I have to desire to move.  But, sometimes it's like living inside a bass drum.  The fad now is open concept, especially in small war time cottages.  But, The Greatest Generation knew something we have forgotten about those little rooms with lots of walls.  They knew how to enjoy the space better.  They knew how to get away.  To escape.  I'm looking forward very much to my upcoming stay at St. Gregory's Abbey.

Friday, August 7, 2015

I have to learn to say no; I'm important too.  "No, I can't do that for you.   I need my rest."

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Dreams Dreams Everywhere

Two more,  I went to a "massage parlor" in one.  I left before she could give me a massage and she was p1$$ed.  In the other, I was changing the roads so that my GPS would find a better way to the destination.

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Tonight's Dream

Tonight's strange dream again involved the BAU.  Agent Morgan wanted me to watch a video about a new hire.  He was trying to warn me that new people were a threat because we didn't know anything about them.

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Saturday, August 1, 2015

Year Zero

This is year zero,
For passing basic training or even getting into the Army,
For my dream of the Navy,
For serving my nation.
This is year zero,
For being a police officer,
For being a boarder guard,
For being an intelligence officer?
I have not realized my dreams.
What have I done?
Where do I go now?

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