Sunday, June 24, 2012

Freedom From Religion

I can see a future in which it is illegal to express your faith (it pretty much already is when you're at work). They won't have to change any laws, they'll just reinterpret existing laws when they get more public support. It'll be like the Americans who owned slaves and thought that all men were created equal didn't apply to black people. [Note to the reader: I am not advocating slavery]. Marriage has come to mean two people of any sex. At some time in the future, the constitutional right to the fundamental classic liberal freedom of freedom of religion will come to mean that in our society every individual will have the right to be free of any and all religion. It will not be allowed to be in schools or public places, or taught even to your own children. Richard Dawkins already tried to make it child abuse in England, and had substantial support with his petition. It's a scary world and I sometimes think I was born far too late.

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