Thursday, November 4, 2010


I'm feeling a little bla, actually...a lot bla. Ever watch Star Trek TNG? Remember that episode where Captain Picard is allowed to re live his life by Q? He is very discontent because he feels that his life has no meaning. That's kind of how I feel right now. It's a little of that, a little of hating my job, a little of not praying too. My prayer life has been slipping. It's a visious circle too; sometimes you don't pray when you're feeling bla, and not praying can make you feel bla. That's when we should be asking God for help. Or, as I've said before, fight with prayer. Sometimes when we feel like we can't or shouldn't pray, we may feel distant from God. But, we can fight that feeling with prayer. I know all this, and yet, I'm in the bla. So, if you read this post today or tomorrow, drop God a prayer mail for me. Pax

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