Saturday, April 17, 2010

Even more on judging.

William Ramier wrote
at 8:27pm
I am so sick of being told that I'm not part of the body because I'm an ear and not a mouth. I just want to scream and pull my hair out. I know I have a splinter in my eye; that's exactly why I need Jesus. Whatever happened to judge not lest ye be judged? Our faith should unite us, not drive a wedge between us. We are all united in Christ (Ephesians 4:5); there is only one faith. Jesus said that whoever is not against us is for us; but, apparently if you don't go to the "right" church, you aren't "saved". I'm told that your church doesn't save you, it's your relationship with God; yet, my church "doesn't have the Spirit", and apparently neither do I. Again, how can you judge a fellow servant of the Master? Being a member of a traditional Church, I find it ironic that coming from a Church with "too many rules" I'm told that I have to do certain things (e.g. be drunk in the Spirit) to earn salvation (or at the very least to show that I am saved). There are many gifts of the Spirit. To you would be evangelists, by all means evangelize. Spread the word! But, please, please, do not judge.

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