Wednesday, June 26, 2024

I posted this on a YouTube video about people being walked out of Pierre's rally.

Some critical thinking or, call me a Devil's Advocate. But, I don't like the manhandling of any protesters. While I don't like the leftists' tactics to shut down and shout down free speech, we don't like when people are arrested at Turdeau rallies nor when there are stallions on parliament hill. Although I don't like the violent tactics of the left (what would happen if the police let the protesters reach the stage?), they have the right to *speak*. I much prefer when Pierre engages them. Maybe there's no other way (than to have the police take them away); maybe there isn't. But, I cannot celebrate the arresting of protesters. Now, I realize they're there to silence Pierre and shout him down in what they consider a just cause, in an end justifies the means suppression (and ultimately destruction) of free speech; but, it is distasteful and--more than that--it's an attack on free speech also to arrest protesters. While I desire civil discourse, that won't happen, and I know that. So, what is the answer? Is it only to arrest protesters? Are we killing the patient to stop the disease? I will reiterate; I cannot celebrate the arresting and/or removal of protesters. It's a problem with society, perhaps, with the decline of societal morals. We've lost the ability to disagree in a respectful way. Worse, we've decided (as a people) that might makes right, and worse still, that the end justifies the means if the the greater good is done; and, we are the judges of what the greater good is. It is relative and subjective. So, I wonder, are we no better than the Totalitarian Marxist left when we walk out protesters? Is there another way? And, I haven't even mentioned here, the negative effect this has on PR.

Sunday, June 16, 2024


I met Ed Holder yesterday.  He asked me for my business card.  I've never been asked for my card before.  I thought, what about me makes his assume I'd even have a business card?

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Fire Burns in Me

 Here it is again, in Psalms 69:9.  The temple is a special place, a Holy place, a thin place.

Christians should follow the gospel. Muhammed was sent to the Arabs. Every people has a messenger. The Quran is perfectly explained.

The following verses are comforting, and allow me to have meaningful dialogue with the followers of Islam.   ...hopefully without condemning me in their mind, at best justifying me.

Surah 5:68

Surah 5:47

Surah 10:47

Surah 11:1

Surah 6:114

Surah 16:36

Surah 42:7

Surah 44:58

Surah 5:46

Surah 3:3

Surah 3:5

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Devil!

This past Sunday's Gospel reading--2nd Sunday after Pentecost--was rife with the spirit of accusation.  We are so good--us humans--at telling others how to live their lives.  We're better at nothing else.  So, when a buffalo leaves the heard, when a member of the pack strays, we sling malicious accusations to attack and entrap.  And, who is the accuser?  He has a name.