Monday, September 4, 2023

It's been so political for so long that it's hard to stay objective

He died of thirst? Quick, get that man a drink of water!

I was thinking of how reactive--and it sucks because it's socialist with long wait times and limited treatment options, but I don't want to get off topic too much--our health care system is.  It seems to do very little in the way of proactive screening.

When Mike died of a heart attack while out running, I was reassured by a doctor that it was from an undiagnosed heart condition.  Well, of course it was. Like that's supposed to make me feel better about running.  That incident left me with a lot of mental baggage, by the way.

But, my point is that we work backwards.  I was thinking of my uncle, who had a heart attack.  He gets rushed to the hospital, they find a blockage, and they install a stint or some damn thing.  That is all reactive.

Why didn't they know before he had a heart attack that there was a blockage? I'm sure there are tests they can do.  Wouldn't that be better for everybody?

And me, I had a stress test (5 years ago) because I was worrying about jogging and had pressure in my chest.  Well, all was good.  ...then.  But, how does an undiagnosed heart condition develope?

And, there's no way that my 80 year old step-father should have to wait three months for tests.  You'd be better off driving to Buffalo and paying for the tests.

And, when I had a colonoscopy seven or so years ago, I was told that I should have one every five years, as they found polyps and my aunt and grandfather had bowel cancer.  Yet, they are now saying it's every ten years.  

So, did the science change, or is this wait time?  More importantly, if catching cancer early is key, how much does cancer advance/grow in ten years?  Do I go to the hospital once I have abdominal pain?  That's how reactive healthcare works.

It's such a shitty system, made worse by socialism.  Tests exist; yet, we do very little to be proactive.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Evil is Good


Letter of the law vs. spirit of the law

 I had a strange dream last night.  Without getting into the details of my dream, I think it's sucking ftupid that we would charge somebody with murder who shot and stopped a mass shooter at a public school.