Sunday, March 7, 2021

AB See Ya Later!

I was watching ABC news this morning; my wife had it on watching for the Harry and Megan interview details; don't even get me started on that. I don't usually watch network TV, especially MSN garbage. They had a piece on there about anti-Asian violence being on the rise in America. This is not the first time I have seen this narrative pushed.

Isn't violence on the whole on the rise during the pandemic, or at least domestic violence and substance abuse, as well as a mental health crisis? Besides, correlation does not prove causation. If an Aisian is mugged for their wallet by a Black or a White, that doesn't make it a hate crime or racist. My gut tells me that this is PR Damage Control from the left to push the White Privilege narrative after a division was created in the recent past between Asian Americans and Black Americans, which is not helpful when going after whitey (can the majority even be bullied?). This division followed the observation that, among other things, Asians were over represented in gifted student classes while Black students were underrepresented (some of which were cancelled because of that); some on the left actually stated Asian the new White. i.e. there is Asian Privilege.

I understand, as few do, that the media is trying to sell stories, to sensationalize, to play on our fears. But, I am sick of the tribalism being pushed by the left, the segregation, the focus on our differences. We should be focusing on what we have in common, unity, racial harmony. There is one race, the human race. Yes, I believe in mosaic cultural preservation, but not tribalism and division, nor discrimination of any kind, for any reason, no matter how it is justified. I actually admire Chinese and Italian communities for their ability to both preserve and integrate their rich cultural differences, making out society a delightful and educational kaleidoscope of experiences and practices.

I long for racial harmony, for the finger to stop being pointed, and most of all for unity in spite of diversity, kindness. I want to live in a world where Dr. King's dream is realized, in which we no longer judge a person by the colour of their skin. This makes me a Colour Blind Racist. So be it.