Monday, September 7, 2020

Three Weird Dreams Since Last Posting

Dream 1

In dream one, which was some time ago now, I can vividly recall pulling my penis off.  I pulled on it, and it broke off.  I panicked as I tried to get to the hospital so they could sow it back on, worried that it would maybe not reattach. 

Dream 2

In dream two, just a few nights ago, I dreamt that Chandra was texting me from a hospital in Africa.  Likely, this dream was due to her being hospitalized in Kitcbener for half a week.  In Africa, she texted me from the hospital to horrifyingly tell me that there was a human trading operation and that if her texts stopped, I would likely never see her again.  Wow, talk about panicked, I was terrified. 

Dream 3

Last night, I dreamt that I was a Sith Lord and we were invading a populated world, much like Earth.  I was very violent and ruthless as I endeavored to break their spirit and subjugate them.  I set cars on fire, walked through crowds with no fear of personal injury as I just violently force pushed those who approached me.  I pulled out my light saber and cut the head off of one individual as an example to others. I even flew somehow.  I have forgotten much of this dream already.