Sunday, August 23, 2020

Update on The Anglican Breviary

I learned how to pray the breviary during the lockdown, not without errors.  It was a ri h and rewarding experience. 

Milk Dad

I laid down for a nap this afternoon from two to four, and had one of my very strange dreams.  I had a dream that I remember parts of.  I remember that my dad had passed away, and I was sitting talking with him.  Even though I could see him sitting before me (I believe wearing a ball cap, my ball cap?), I expressed that it was ironic that I was having this great talk with him and he could hear none of it because he was passed.  I awoke from my dream in my dream and began to weep because my dad was gone.  I remember the cold reception I received from my very unsympathetic wife.  Somewhere in the dream, my daughter was feeding her newborn infant (she is not married, nor pregnant and not currently a mother) from a bottle, which she was not holding properly; the bottom end of the bottle was lower than the nipple and the baby couldn't get any milk. 

So, Freud, Jung, what is up?  What does this crazy Sunday afternoon mix mash mean?  I'd sure as heck like to know.

P.S.  My dad is currently in the hospital with prostate cancer (suspected?) at this time.  I say suspected, because my family are keeping the facts and news from me.  I am estranged from my next eldest brother and not on good terms with the second youngest.  From their perspective, I have made my bed...

P.P.S.  Prayers for Dad and I would be appreciated.

Thursday, August 20, 2020


I miss lockdown for one thing; my prayer life was so SO much better.


Wednesday, August 12, 2020


I had a weird dream (reoccurring?) that I was on a mini sub with two nuns.  They were circumnavigating the globe at periscope depth and I joined them for one leg of their journey off the coast of Africa I believe.  I'm unsure weather I've had this dream before, or if in the dream I had been on the sub before.

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Badda Bing Badda Boom

Could the reason for the increase, in part, in male suicide be caused by modern society’s coercion to embrace anti-archetypal maleness?   …leading to stressors and confusion in the psyche?



Could the reason that we mate later in life be due to an evolutionary development?  Could it be to pass along information to the collective unconsciousness?  Like the animus?